Step-by-Step Guide for Nigerian Students Choosing a Study Abroad Program


Studying abroad is like stepping into a world of possibilities. But the first and most important step is choosing the right program. This decision alone can shape the kind of future that you will build in the country you decide to study. 

If you find yourself staring at a long list of choices, wondering which one to pick, this guide is crafted to help you pick the right course of study. 

  1. Reflect on Your Passions 

Imagine studying something that makes you feel fulfilled every day. A brilliant person on Beyonce’s internet said that, when you do what you love, work will feel like a hobby you get paid to enjoy and we couldn’t agree more. To do this, start by reflecting on your passions. What subjects spark your interest? What challenges do you think you can provide solutions to? Figuring these out is important before we move to the next steps. 

  1. Assess Your Skills

Ask yourself what you are good at. What are your unique skills and strengths? Are you a natural problem solver, a creative thinker, or a brilliant public speaker? Focusing on your strengths before you choose a program will guide you into an academic future that allows you to shine. 

  1. Research Professions

Now let’s talk about the life you want for yourself after graduation. What job do you think will make you excited to get out of bed every morning? When you figure that out, start researching the fields of study that are related to that career that can help make your future self happy.

  1. Check Program Accreditation

When you are researching study programs, look for accredited institutions. Accreditation goes a long way in making sure that your program meets quality standards and is recognized internationally. It’s your guarantee that your hard work will be rewarded with a respected qualification and a possible path to residency if that’s what you want.

Also read: Finding the Perfect Fit: A Guide to Choosing a Postgraduate Course to Study in Canada

  1. Consider your budget

Here’s a quick reality check – studying abroad can be expensive and we are not just talking about tuition. Consider the cost of living, accommodation, and other expenses. Look for programs in countries where the living costs fit your budget. This will help you enjoy your academic experience without having to deal with constant financial stress.

Also read:  How to Save and Budget as an International Student

  1. Language of Instruction

While many international courses are taught in English, it still doesn’t hurt to confirm the language of instruction. Make sure you are comfortable studying in the language of the program. Language barriers can affect your learning experience, so put this into consideration before you choose a course. 

  1. Seek Guidance

Educational counselors and mentors are your go-to guys during your study abroad journey. Ask for their advice and guidance. They can give you valuable information, answer your questions, and offer support while you figure out the process of choosing the right program.

Also read: Why You Need a Mentor and How to Find One

  1. Trust Your Instincts

While you continue your research and talk to your mentors, learn to trust your instincts too. What program makes you feel excited and motivated? Your gut feeling is connected to your true passion. The right program should not just make sense on paper; it should feel right in your heart.

Choosing a course that will set you up for something you want to spend the rest of your life doing is a huge decision and we hope that this guide will help you make the right choice

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